President's Column 5 (Jun. 30, 2023)
クイーンズランド大学(UQ)とMoUを締結するとともに、UQおよび中国竞彩网にそれぞれLiaison Officeを設置することを決定しました
The President of the University of Queensland (UQ) and President Chiba sign MoU. They also decided to establish Liaison Offices at UQ and TUAT
大学間連携の他、日本とオーストラリア間の国際連携事業開発の推進を目指し、University of Queenslandを訪問しMoUを締結しました。今後は両国政府機関、企業、大学等を包含し、食料、エネルギー生産、供給事業を推進します。
I visited the University of Queensland and signed a MoU with the aim of promoting international collaboration between Japan and Australia, in addition to inter-university cooperation. The MoU will include government agencies, businesses, and universities from both countries to promote food and energy production and supply projects.
This new scheme is highly anticipated by both countries, and from the Australian side, including state government officials, as well as university officials, participated in the MoU. From the Japanese side, staffs involved in the moonshot project and a consulting company also participated. In addition to international business development, research collaboration and student exchange between the two universities will be promoted in the future.

Professor Deborah Terry AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of UQ and President Chiba